Get Fit Before Your Wedding Day

Get Fit Before Your Wedding Day

Written by Sophia Young Content Studio



You’ve narrowed down your design choices for your show-stopping wedding gown, picked a date you’re most certain of, found the wedding venue of your dreams, contacted suppliers, and invited the most important guests. Now that most of the heavy lifting is out of the way—it’s time to get serious about your wedding workout plan. 


Everyone wants to look amazing on their wedding day and the best way to ensure that? A healthy lifestyle that will help you boost your endorphins and ward off stress! After all, who wouldn’t want to look their best for the wedding photos that you’ll flick through in the near or far off future? Healthy, confident, glowing, looking like the queen that you truly are. 


It’s not going to be easy to feel off that look, but it’s possible. Read on to find out how you can tone up for your wedding. 

What’s A Realistic Timeline To Get Fit Before My Wedding Day? 

To get toned for a wedding, the realistic timeline is to begin at least 12 weeks in advance. With this timeframe, you can get your diet in check and focus on certain problem areas. However, if you love going to the gym in your free time and you’re truly committed to your training regimen, you can begin at least 8 to 10 weeks before your big day. 


If you are looking at a weight-loss timeline, on the other hand, it would be better to start as early as possible. If you want to release ten to twenty pounds, the minimum would be three months. For those who would like to lose over 20, it’s best to start at least six months before the date of your wedding. 


The sooner you incorporate healthier eating habits and regular exercise into your lifestyle, the sooner you’ll see and experience the results you’ve set your heart on. 

How Do I Start? 

It feels daunting right at this very moment as it might seem like there’s a lot of work to do. When starting, try not to overwhelm yourself because this has the potential to throw you off course. Slow and steady wins the race so start small. 


Avoid creating a workout plan that’s too ambitious. Begin with small goals such as working out two to three times a week. Do 10-minute full-body workouts instead of 30-minutes right from the get-go. Before you know it, you’ll have the strength, stamina, and confidence to do an entire hour’s worth of exercise without dragging yourself to do it. 

What Should I Focus On? 

Focus on cardiovascular exercises such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), Pilates, or spin classes and strengthening routines. These help you in creating stronger and leaner muscles that give you an elegant silhouette and a healthy figure. Many wedding dresses tend to show off your upper body so focus on exercises that tone your arms and back such as a chest press and lateral pull down. 


Include exercises such as squats and side planks to give shape to your waist and lunges and squats to strengthen your legs. 


Take your fitness level into consideration before doing any of these exercises and remember to take it one step at a time. 

What About Nutrition?  

A consistent workout plan is great, but doing tons of different exercises each and every day still won’t outwork a bad diet. Similarly, a new fitness routine requires some serious fuel so starving yourself isn’t going to help either. Both overeating and undereating will sabotage your wedding fitness efforts. 


Feed yourself well and your body will follow. Try to keep a diet that is high in protein and vegetables to keep you strong and healthy. Avoid processed food & fast food as much as possible as foods high in sugar and fat will make you feel sluggish.


Good and clean food will give your flexibility, strength, glowing skin, and energy that will make you feel good inside and out. 

How Do I Keep Myself Accountable? 

Getting fit or toning up before your special day shouldn’t be a lonely endeavor. There’s power in numbers so get yourself a team that will always keep you in check. 


Ask your future spouse to join you in this journey, get your bride tribe together, or get a reliable trainer—it doesn’t matter who, as long as they’re on board with your goals. If you’re able to find a workout buddy, hold each other accountable. However, if you haven’t, worry not! The knowledge that people are out there rooting for you can be enough to inspire and motivate you to keep going. 

Is There Anything I Should Do On The Day Of My Wedding? 

Give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve finally made it! All your hard work has paid off. If you’re experiencing a few wedding day nerves, a 10-minute run or one little dance cardio session can be the perfect way to release all of this tension. You can also do yoga or a few stretches as you meditate to get yourself into a relaxed mood. Doing any of this can serve as your self-care session right before your big moment. 


Don’t forget to eat! This will give you the energy to keep going during the ceremony. Have something light, but don’t go out there with an empty stomach. 



The key to getting fit before your wedding day is not dreading this whole “getting fit before the wedding” thing. Enjoy the process and just have fun with it. Find an exercise and diet plan that works for you and that can become a part of your lifestyle even after your wedding. 


At the end of the day, keeping yourself healthy and toned isn’t just so you can fit your gorgeous wedding dress perfectly and have beautiful wedding photos. It’ll help you endure the ups and downs of wedding planning and give you the strength and confidence so that you can enjoy your special day to the fullest.